What Questions Should I Ask a Long Island Web Developer?

By Ken Key • Posted on October 27th, 2020
What Questions Should I Ask a Long Island Web Developer?
Working with a web developer for the first time can be an overwhelming process. There are so many steps to figure out before the project Itself begins, and what’s more, you have to ensure that you not only communicate all your preferences to the developer, but that you also understand their visions too.
The question, then, is how do you do this in the most optimal way? Through communication, of course. Through questions and answers that get you both to understand each other fully, and ensure that the project is carried out in the most optimal way possible.
So what questions should you be asking your Long Island web developer to ensure that you both understand each other and are absolutely on the same page? I provide a detailed answer below with 8 important questions you should ask your Long Island web designer before you proceed.
8 Questions To Ask a Long Island Web Developer
1. Do You Have Any Experience With Similar Niches Websites?
First thing you want to ask a web developer you want to hire for a project in Long Island is whether or not they have experience related to your niche. Web development covers a wide array of niches. A developer proficient in building blog websites may not be so with e-commerce stores.
So to this end, you must first ascertain that they indeed are comfortable working with your niche, and ideally have some experience doing so in the past.
Another related question to this one is, “are you a specialist?” This is important because some web developers specialize in certain niches. You may find a developer you connect with but that isn’t specialized in your niche.
Before you waste time with other questions, it is important that you ask this first to ensure that you’re on the same page right from the start.
2. Will My Project Be Outsourced it Performed In-House?
Lots of web developers have their own operation strategies. Now this isn’t to say that any one is greater or better than the other. It’s all about preferences and openness. As a web developer, they owe you transparency in letting you know whether or not their projects are outsourced.
Personally, every web development project that I handle is completed in-house, through my development company, Famous Internet Solutions.
We do not outsource any aspect of our design, and as such are able to generate more constancy and more control – two qualities which, of course, you should always be on the lookout for in a web developer.
3. WILL My Project Be Custom or CMS?
I’ve been a software engineer in Long Island for decades now, and all through the journey new methods and new modes of operations keep popping out. One of this, is the emergence of really powerful CMS that are capable of looking as though they are custom made websites.
What is a CMS? CMS is short for content management systems, examples of which are WordPress, Wix and so on. Now as mentioned earlier, making use of a CMS isn’t bad at all, but transparency is important, so as to verify if it fits your preference.
Personally, every website that I build is custom made and not customized (as in the case of using CMS). Of course sometimes you may prefer CMS in some peculiar situations. In that case, I can do that. But generally, this is a question you should ask and a clear picture you should get before the project begins.
4. What Is Your TAT?
This is a pretty basic yet very important question that you should always ask a Long Island web developer. What’s your turnaround time? How long does it take till we hit the demo stage? How long does it take till the website is live and fully functioning?
This helps you set a clear target, and also gives you a clear path. And in case the turnaround time is breached, you’re able to clearly ascertain that a term of agreement has been breached.
5. What Other Optimizations Will Be Carried Out?
Being a Long Island web developer is more than just building a website and getting all the elements ready and functional. Sometimes, it is also about optimizing the website in various little, but highly important, aspects.
For example at Famous Internet Solutions, we not only build your websites and meticulously design its UI/UX and backends, we also optimize for speed, for search engine friendliness, and numerous technical capabilities that will prove invaluable in the future.
So, before you proceed with a web developer always understand what you’re paying for and what their services entail – further optimization, or no further optimization.
6. How About Testing and Security?
Testing and securing your website from malicious attacks is as important at the moment than any other design modes. Certain web developers such as myself help you with testing your website features and making sure they have everything required to prevent hackers and other individuals with malicious intent.
I also make sure your site is equipped with all the scripts and certificates that help protect user data, among others.
Some web developers, though, do not include this service as part of their overall packages. This is another thing you must ascertain before you proceed.
7. What Features Are Included in Your Budget?
Apropos to the two points above, this question is sort of a completion of the other two, to get the full picture of the service range you’ll be getting. For instance, having clarified whether or not further optimizations would be carried out on the website, and having understood whether not there will be testing and security measures installed, next thing you want to know is what other features are included in the service.
Are there link building services if possible? Content writing services? Marketing strategies? Outreach? Copywriting? Will you be supplying stock photographs, and so on.
8. Are You a Web Designer, Web Developer, or Both?
Lastly, another important question that you simply have to ask is about the job description. “Web developer” is a term that is thrown around a lot, and even co-opted by ‘web designers’, and as such many people assume them to be the same thing. Well, they’re not. So what is the difference, you ask?
You see, while a web designer is only focused on designing the outlook of your website, that is arranging the front-end elements and so on, a web developer is responsible for both the outlook on the front-end, and exactly how the website itself works as programmed on the backend.
It is important that you know which you’re dealing with right from the get go, so that further disagreements don’t arise down the road due to unspecified job descriptions.
I’m Ken Key, a Long Island Web designer and web developer. Thank you for reading my blog. Stick around for more!